Questions and answers Surah Al Anfaal in English

 Q1: What qualities of believers have been described in Surah Anfaal?

Ans:  The following are the qualities of believers that are described in Surah Anfaal:-

·         Their hearts feel fear when Allah is mentioned.

·         And when Allah’s revelations are recited, their faith is strengthened.

·         They have trust in their Lord.

·         They establish their daily prayers.

And spend of that we have given them for sustenance


Lesson: 3

Surah Al-Anfaal (Ayat 11 to 19)

Q1: What divine favours has Allah mentioned in context of the Battle of Badr?

Ans: The following favours are mentioned in the context:

·         Allah covered the Muslims with (the sheet of) sleepiness to make them calm and refreshed.

·         He sent down water from the sky to purify you from the filth of Satan. 

·         Allah promised the Muslims that he would help them.

·         Allah helped the Muslims by sending 1000 Angels one after another.  

·         And he strengthened their hearts to fight against the disbelievers.

 Q2: What instructions has Allah given to the believers in case they come face to face with the disbelievers in the battlefield?

Ans: The following instructions were given by Allah to the believers in case they come face to face with the disbelievers:

·        Allah told the believers to hit the disbelievers hard on their necks and on their finger joint.

·        The believers were instructed that when they come face to face with the disbelievers do not run away and whoever turns his back he will bring upon himself the wrath of Allah. 

 Q3: What warning has Allah has given to the disbelievers in the Aayaat of Surah Anfaal?

Ans: Allah warned the disbelievers that if they desist from doing wrong it will be better for them and if they return with their forces to attack Allah shall also return. And Allah told the disbelievers that even though their forces are multiplied it will do any good to them because Allah is with the Muslims

Lesson: 4

Surah AL-Anfaal (Aayaat 20-28)

Q1: Which people are the worst of all beasts?

Ans: In Ayah 22 Allah said that “indeed the worst of the beast in the sight of Allah are those deaf and dumb who do not understand”. The term “deaf and dumb” are used for the disbelievers ,hypocrites and the enemies of Islam, these people don’t want to recognize their creator and they do this intentionally ,in their hearts they know what the truth is.

Q2: What does Allah mean when He says ‘’do not betray Allah and his Prophet and do not misappropriate knowingly your trusts”?

Ans:  In this part of ayah Allah forbids the people to violate the commands of Allah and the Prophet and not to make any changes in their commands. He also forbids to malpractice in affairs among themselves.


Lesson: 5

Surah AL-Anfaal (Aayaat 29:37)

Q1: What reward has Allah promised for righteousness?

Ans: The following are the rewards promised by Allah for righteousness:

·        If they fear Allah, Allah will give them criterion to help them discriminate between right and wrong.

·        He will remove from you all evils and sins

·        And he will forgive you, as Allah possesses infinite grace.

 Q2: What event does the passage وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ refers to?

Ans: In this passage it is refers to the event where the disbelievers where plotting against the Holy Prophet. Some were saying that they should confine him or slay him or to drive the Prophet from their land. At last it was decided that he should be killed, they tried to kill him but Allah protected the Prophet.

Q3: Why did Allah not punish the infidels though they had asked Allah to accord punishment to them?

Ans: There were two reasons for not punishing them though they asked for it:

·        Allah was not going to punish them because at that time the Prophet was among them and because of the Prophet’s blessings Allah did not punish them.

·        The second reason was that they were also seeking forgiveness and it is not the way of Allah to punish those who seek forgiveness.

·        And Allah was willing to give them time to stay away from wrong and accept faith.


Lesson: 6

Surah AL-Anfaal (Ayah 38 to 44)

Q1: What are the Instructions of Allah regarding the distribution of the spoils war?

Ans: The following are the instructions by Allah:

·        The fifth share of the spoils of war will be for Allah, Prophet, for the new relatives who are in need, needy and relatives.

Q2: What favours did Allah bestow on Muslims for their victory in the Battle of Badr?

Ans: The following are the favours bestowed by Allah on Muslims:

·        The Muslims were given the place to encamp at the nearer end of the valley (of Badr). Whereas, the disbelievers were at the farther end and the caravan below the Muslims. (Along the seaside).

·        Allah made the Muslims to arrive on time in the battlefield.

·        He made the number of the enemy troops to look small in the eyes of the Muslims so that they stand firm.


Lesson: 7

Surah AL – Anfaal (Ayah 45 to 48)

Q1: What should the believers do and what should they do not do if they are confronted by the infidels?

Ans: What they should do:

·        They should hold firm.

·         They should remember Allah so much that they may be successful.

·        They should obey Allah and his Prophet.

·        And they should be patient

What should they not do:

·        They should not quarrel with one another

·        They should not lose courage and let their power depart

Q2: What was the role of Satan at the time:

1. When the disbelievers came forth from their homes to fight the disbelievers and

2. When the two forces came face to face with each other.

Ans: 1.Before the war, Satan turned himself into a man and started motivating the disbelievers and he told them that no one of mankind can overcome you today.

2. But when the two forces met Satan surrendered and said: I have nothing to do with you. I see the things that you cannot see. Verily I fear Allah, and Allah is severe in punishment. The things that he mentioned were the angels coming from the sky that were sent by Allah. He got scared and ran away.


Lesson: 8

Surah AL – Anfaal (Ayah 49 to 58)

Q1: What were the remarks of the hypocrites when they saw the believers were preparing for war?

Ans: The hypocrites as well as those who only cared for worldly interests often tended to say to one another that the religion of the Muslims had driven them mad or insane. They were sure that the Muslims would face defeat on the battlefield.

Q2: What instructions did Allah give to the Holy Prophet in case the disbelievers   broke their treaty?

Ans: Allah instructed the Holy Prophet that: 

·        If the disbelievers broke their treaty, they should deal with them in war in such a way that those who follow them might remember how their leaders were punished.

·        And Allah said that if the believers or the Prophet feels that a certain group might betray them throw their treaty back to them.

 Q3: Describe the factors that led Pharaoh and his people to destruction.

Ans: The following are the factors that led Pharaoh and his people to destruction:

·        They denied the revelations of Allah

·        They refused to accept Allah as their God

·        They committed sins and shirk


Lesson: 9

Surah Al-Anfaal (Ayah 59 to 64)

Q1: What are the instructions of God to the Muslims with regard to the preparation of war?

Ans: The following were the instructions of God to the Muslims about the preparation of war:

·         Allah said to the believers that always keep yourselves ready against the disbelievers

·         With full strength of army

·         Their horses fastened with ropes

·         At last Allah told them whatever they will spend in the way of Allah ,it will be repaid to them 


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