TAHARAT PURIFICATION IMPORTANCE..;;;;Question: Explain the benefits of taharah.


Question: Explain the benefits of taharah.

Answer: Islam is a complete code of life and religion of nature. Islam guides its devotees regarding all their needs. Purity is an important part of human nature. Purity means to be clean. Purity is very important in Islam. Purity is called half faith in Islam.

Benefits of Purity:

Purification has many benefits, some of them are listed below.

1. Good health: People who live cleanly have good health and generally stay away from diseases.

2. Favor of Allah: Allah likes those who are pure. Allah Almighty says that Allah loves those who repent and are pure.

3. Physical and mental peace: By being pure and clean, a person gets physical and mental peace and stays calm.

4. External and Spiritual Cleanliness: By being clean, a person gets not only external cleanliness but also internal and spiritual purity.

5. Increase in human capacity: purity increases human capacity for worship and work. He works better than others.

6. Attainment of reward: By being clean, a person also gets reward,  according to a hadith, a person who dies in the state of ablution is called a martyr.

7. Refinement in human personality: Purity and cleanliness create decency in human personality.

8. People's Choice: Clean people are well liked by their friends and other people.

9. Allurement of Worship: purity brings refreshment in the body and in soul of a person.  It increases the taste of worship.

10. Abstaining from sins: By purity, a person tries his best to avoid bad deeds and sins and keeps himself away from sins and bad deeds. 


Question: Write a short note on purity in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Answer: Islam is the religion of nature and the complete code of life. Therefore, the religion of Islam takes care of all the small and big needs of man.

Literal meaning of Taharat: The literal meaning of Taharat is to be pure and clean, i.e. to achieve purity.

 Islamic meaning: Purity in Islam means to get purity by removing impurities from oneself according to the Islamic method.

In the religion of Islam, purity is meant to achieve purity by removing impurities from oneself according to the Islamic method.

Islam is the religion of nature:

Islam is a complete religion and a religion of nature, therefore it has clearly stated all the needs of its followers. Human nature includes cleanliness and purity, so Islam provides guidance on this.

Types of Purity: Generally two types of purity are mentioned.

1) External Purity: This refers to the cleanliness and purity of the human body and clothes.

2) Inner Purity: This refers to the inner purity of the human soul. That is, the human heart should be free from malice, hatred and envy.

Purity in the Light of the Holy Quran: Purity is mentioned in many verses of the Holy Quran. Allah says that

وَذِيَابَكَ فَتَّّرْ وَالرُّجْزَ فَهْجْرْ Translation: Keep your clothes clean and stay away from impurity.

In another place, the Almighty has said that: Allah loves those who repent and those who are pure.

In another place, the Almighty has said that: If you are impure, attain purity. In another place it has been said that Allah loves the pure.

Translation: And Allah loves those who are pure. All these Quranic verses show the importance of purity.

Purity in the light of Hadith: The saying of the Holy Prophet is. Translation: Purity is half of faith

The Prophet said, "Prayer is the key to Paradise and purity is the key to prayer." In another place, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said that "Miswak is a means of purifying the mouth and pleasing Allah."

In the light of verses and hadiths, it becomes clear that purity is very important in Islam because purity is a part of worship in Islam.

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